• All Saints Novena

  • Novena for All Saints from DailySaintsWisdom.com with an image showing many holy saints

    Pray a Novena to All Saints

    The All Saints Novena recognizes that there is a universal call to holiness because the saints come from all walks of life and from around the globe. Like all novenas, it can be prayed over any nine day period.


    It is also recommended to be prayed in anticipation of the Solemnity of All Saints which is November 1st. In that case, the novena begins on October 23rd and continues through October 31st.

  • The Blessed Virgin Mary Praying

    Day One of the All Saints Novena - The Blessed Virgin Mary

    O, Mary, Most Holy Mother of God, I ask for your prayers. May I turn to you with the complete trust that a child has in his loving mother. By God's grace, you are indeed my mother. May I learn from you to be humble, to be pure, and to love God with all that I am. At this time, I ask that you would intercede with your Son, Jesus Christ who is fully God and fully man, for my special intention:


    (state your special intention)


    Queen of angels, pray for us!

    Queen of patriarchs, pray for us!

    Queen of prophets, pray for us!

    Queen of apostles, pray for us!

    Queen of martyrs, pray for us!

    Queen of the family, pray for us!

    Queen of all saints, pray for us!



    Saint Michael the Archangel defeating the devil

    Day Two of the All Saints Novena - The Holy Angels

    O, holy angels, faithful spirits of the Lord, Our God, I ask for your prayers. You constantly gaze upon the face of God and perfectly serve Him. You, who announced the word of God including the Annunciation to the the Blessed Virgin Mary that she would be the Mother of God and the proclamation of the birth of Our Savior to the humble shepherds, hear my prayer. Pray for me that I might be protected from evil and follow the path which is God's will for me. At this time, I ask that you would pray for me to the Lord Jesus Christ for my special intention:


    (state your special intention)


    St. Michael, the archangel, pray for us!

    St. Gabriel, the archangel, pray for us!

    St. Raphael, the archangel, pray for us!

    Holy guardian angels, pray for us!



    Saint Peter holding the keys

    Day Three of the All Saints Novena - The Holy Apostles

    O, holy apostles, who spread the Gospel and faithfully handed on the Sacred Tradition given to you by Our, Lord Jesus Christ, I ask for your prayers. May I be a faithful child of the Church and obedient to all of her teachings as I strive to live a life of faithful service to God and to share the Good News to all whom God has placed in my path. At this time, I ask that you would intercede with Our Lord, Jesus Christ, for my special intention:


    (state your special attention)


    St. Peter, pray for us!

    St. Andrew, pray for us!

    St. James, pray for us!

    St. John, pray for us!

    St. Philip, pray for us!

    St. Jude Thaddeus, pray for us!

    St. Bartholomew, pray for us!

    St. Thomas, pray for us!

    St. James, pray for us!

    St. Matthew, pray for us!

    St. Simon, pray for us!

    St. Matthias, pray for us!

    St. Paul, pray for us!



    Blessed Miguel Pro

    Day Four of the All Saints Novena - The Holy Martyrs

    O, holy martyrs, who died rather than forsake Our Lord Jesus Christ, I ask for your prayers. May my love for Jesus be strong enough that I am willing to suffer for the sake of Him and His Holy Church. May I always willingingly proclaim in humility and charity my faith in God, devotion to His saints, and love for Holy Mother Church. At this time, I ask that you would intercede with Our Lord, Jesus Christ, for my special intention:


    (state your special intention)


    St. Stephen, pray for us!

    Sts. Peter and Paul, pray for us!

    St. Polycarp, pray for us!

    St. Perpetua and Felicity, pray for us!

    St. Lawrence, pray for us!

    St. Agnes, pray for us!

    St. Ignatius of Antioch, pray for us!

    St. Lucy, pray for us!

    St. Isaac Jogues, pray for us!

    St. Thomas More, pray for us!

    St. John Fisher, pray for us!

    St. Margaret Clitherow, pray for us!

    All you holy Vietnamese martyrs, pray for us!

    St. Paul Miki and all you holy Japanese martyrs, pray for us!

    St. Charles Lwanga and all you holy Ugandans, pray for us!

    All you holy Korean martyrs, pray for us!

    Bl. Miguel Pro, pray for us!

    Bl. Titus Brandsma, pray for us!

    St. Maximilian Kolbe, pray for us!

    St. Edith Stein, pray for us!



    Saint Teresa of Aviila holding a quill pen and a book

    Day Five of the All Saints Novena - The Holy Mystics

    O, holy mystics, who have embraced the graces given to you from the Lord and united with Him in a deeper way through prayer, I ask for your prayers. May I, too, allow the Lord to speak to me through prayer and His Holy Word in order that I might be more fully united to Him now and forever. At this time, I ask that you would intercede with Our Lord, Jesus Christ, for my special intention:


    (state your special intention)


    St. Bernard of Clairvaux, pray for us!

    St. Catherine of Genoa, pray for us!

    St. Thomas Aquinas, pray for us!

    St. Catherine of Siena, pray for us!

    St. Bridget of Sweden, pray for us!

    St. Joan of Arc, pray for us!

    St. Philip Neri, pray for us!

    St. Catherine dei Ricci, pray for us!

    St. Teresa of Avila, pray for us!

    St. John of the Cross, pray for us!

    St. Elizabeth of the Trinity, pray for us!

    St. John of Avila, pray for us!

    St. Faustina, pray for us!



    Saint Therse of Lisieux

    Day Six of the All Saints Novena - The Doctors of the Church

    O, holy doctors of the Church, who have faithfully taught what Holy Mother Church holds as true and coming from her Lord, I ask for your prayers. May I humbly receive the truth of the faith in my mind, act upon it in my life, and share it with others in order that all may come to know and love Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Holy Church. At this time, I ask that you would intercede with Our Lord, Jesus Christ, for my special intention:


    (state your special intention)


    St. Athanasius, pray for us!

    St. Jerome, pray for us!

    St. Teresa of Avila, pray for us!

    St. Augustine, pray for us!

    St. Ambrose, pray for us!

    St. Hildegard of Bingen, pray for us!

    St. John Chrysostom, pray for us!

    St. John Damascene, pray for us!

    St. Catherine of Siena, pray for us!

    St. Robert Bellarmine, pray for us!

    St. Thomas Aquinas, pray for us!

    St. Thérèse of Lisieux, pray for us!

    St. Alphonsus Liguori, pray for us!

    St. Anthony of Padua, pray for us!



    Saint John Vianney

    Day Seven of the All Saints Novena- The Holy Priests

    O, holy priests, who faithfully administered the sacraments of the Church for the spiritual good of the faithful, I ask for your prayers. May I always worthily prepare myself to receive the grace of the sacraments and avail myself of the gifts of God that he provides through the ministry of his priests. May I remember to pray for priests that they may be holy and that all who are called to the priesthood will say "Yes" to the Lord. At this time, I ask that you would intercede with Our Lord, Jesus Christ, for my special intention:


    (state your special intention)


    St. John Vianney, pray for us!

    St. Joseph Pignatelli, pray for us!

    St. Ivo of Kermartin, pray for us!

    St. Gaetano Catanoso, pray for us!

    St. Padre Pio, pray for us!

    St. Joseph Cafasso, pray for us!

    St. Vincent de Paul, pray for us!



    Saint Dominic holding a lily and a book

    Day Eight of the All Saints Novena - The Holy Religious

    O, holy religious, who faithfully lived the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, I ask for your prayers. May I recognize the great need that our Church has for men and women who live the consecrated life and through their actions and contemplation serve Holy Mother Church. May I support men and women in religious life with my prayers and financial gifts. I ask that you would intercede with Our Lord, Jesus Christ, for my special intention:


    (state your special intention)


    St. Benedict, pray for us!

    St. Scholastica, pray for us!

    St. Francis of Assisi, pray for us!

    St. Clare of Assisi, pray for us!

    St. Dominic, pray for us!

    St. Katherine Drexel, pray for us!

    St. Martin de Porres, pray for us!

    St. Rose of Lima, pray for us!

    St. Norbert, pray for us!

    St. Mary McKillop, pray for us!

    St. Philip Neri, pray for us!

    St. Catherine of Bologna, pray for us!

    St. Anthony Mary Claret, pray for us!


    Saint Zelie Martin

    Day Nine of the All Saints Novena - The Holy Laypeople

    O, holy lay men and lay women, who faithfully lived out your lives in your families, communities, and churches, I ask for your prayers. May I entrust myself and all laypeople to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus in order for all laypeople to be sanctified through their lives called to be laypeople. May our faith be manifest in our love for our families and neighbors in our communities and churches. I ask that you would intercede with Our Lord, Jesus Christ, for my special intention:


    (state your special intention)


    Sts. Louis and Zelie Martin, pray for us!

    Sts. Isidore and Maria, pray for us!

    St. Thomas More, pray for us!

    St. Ignatius Kim Che-Jun, pray for us!

    St. Martha Wang, pray for us!

    St. Kateri Tekakwitha, pray for us!

    St. Nicholas of Flüe, pray for us!

    St. Elizabeth of Hungary, pray for us!

    St. Stephen of Hungary, pray for us!

    St. Gianna Beretta Molla, pray for us!

    St. Justin Martyr, pray for us!

    St. Rita of Cascia, pray for us!

    St. Louis IX, pray for us!



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