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Saints Joachim and Anne: The Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary

· July,Biblical,Lay Person
Saints Joachim and Anne, pray for us! with an image of Saints Joachim and Anne

The Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary

July 26th is the feast day of St. Joachim and St. Anne who are the parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Do you know why they are often depicted embracing near a city gate? Here is the story.

Of course, what we know of St. Joachim and St. Anne comes from non-Biblical sources dated many decades after the New Testament was written. These accounts are considered pious stories that certainly are in line with how God worked through His people in preparing for the coming of His Son.

Holy and Pious, but Childless

St. Joachim was a wealthy man from Nazareth. He was known for his generosity especially toward the poor. He married St. Anne who was from the big city of Jerusalem and the couple settled near the Temple. They were pious, devoted to each other, and happy with one exception.

They were unable to conceive a child.

On a certain Jewish feast day, St. Joachim went to make a sacrifice at the temple as he was wont to do. However, a man who knew St. Joachim told him that his sacrifice would be rejected because he was considered cursed as he had no children.

The insult stung, and St. Joachim, instead of returning home, left the city of Jerusalem to fast and pray in order for his "curse" to be lifted.

Answered Prayers

St. Anne, not knowing what had happened to St. Joachim, also began to pray. She learned about the reason that St. Joachim had not returned home for several days, and she prayed that if they were granted a child, the child would be fully dedicated to God.

In response to their prayers, an angel separately appeared to St. Anne and St. Joachim to let them know that they would have a child who will be blessed by the whole world.

As a sign, St. Anne was to go out and meet her husband who would be coming back into Jerusalem at the Golden Gate of the city.

They met and embraced as they shared their stories and rejoiced in the beautiful gift from God which they had received.

St. Anne indeed conceived a child whom they named Mary. When she grew older, she was dedicated to God at the temple.

The Secret to a Good Marriage

This holy couple show the secret to a good marriage. They stayed with prayer, and they trusted in God.

They teach us that it is important to keep praying even when you have prayed for a long time without receiving an answer.

The holy couple also trusted in God. That is demonstrated through their prayers and through their obedience when they received an answer to their prayers. They did not doubt what they received. Sts. Joachim and Anne acted on the messages they were given.

Their prayers and their trust in God brought them together even after difficulties had separated them. We can take a lesson from their "secret".

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Feast Day: July 26th

Sts. Joachim and Anne

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