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The Jesse Tree

· December
The Jesse Tree: Learning Salvation History in 24 Days from


The Jesse Tree is an Advent activity which tells the story of God's love for men and women. Each day a new part of the story of salvation history is told. Beginning with creation, there is a symbol and brief text given to remind us of how God has loved us and prepared the way for the coming of His Son Jesus Christ in the "fullness of time".

The Jesse Tree typically begins on December 1st (regardless of when Advent begins) and continues until December 24th. There are variations in what figures are featured.

The following includes an illustration of each day and a brief text.

Day 1 - Creation

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In the creation of the world and man, God gave the first witness of His almighty love and His wisdom which finds its goal in the new creation of Christ.

Day 2 - Adam and Eve

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God created Adam and Eve in His Own Image. They were the crowning glory of God's creation. He loved them so much, and God gave Adam and Eve everything that they needed in the beautiful garden.

Day 3 - The Fall

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In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve disobeyed God's command. Through their disobedience, original sin came to all. God promised a Messiah and Redeemer Who would undo original sin and make it possible for all to be restored to God's goodness.

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Day 4 - Noah 

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Noah was called by God to save the animals and people in the ark he built. He prepared the way for Jesus Who would come to save us. As a sign, God gave Noah the rainbow.

Day 5 - Abraham

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Abraham is our father in faith. Through him, God formed the people of Israel. Abraham trusted God Who promised that he would have many descendants. One of those descendants as the Lord Jesus.

Day 6 - Isaac

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Isaac, whose name means "he laughs", was the son of promise who was born to Abraham and Sarah. Through Isaac, God provided descendants of Abraham including Jesus our Savior.

The sacrifice which the Lord made on the cross was prefigured by Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac. Abraham was faithful even to the point of sacrificing his son, and a goat was sacrificed instead of Abraham's son.

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Day 7 - Jacob

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Jacob, the son of Isaac, had a dream in which he saw a ladder from Heaven to earth on which angels were going up and down. Jesus would be that ladder Who connected God to man.

Day 8 - Joseph

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God sent Joseph to Egypt in order to help the people of Israel and Egypt. Through Joseph, God's people had food during a famine. And, they became a large nation.

Day 9 - Moses

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God called Moses from the burning bush to lead His people out of Egypt to the Promised Land. On their journey, they received the Ten Commandments from God at Mt. Sinai which is believed to be where Moses saw the burning bush.

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Day 10 - Samuel

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God called Samuel to be a prophet to His people Israel. By his leadership, he brought the light of God's Word to the people through his wise guidance.

Day 11 - Jesse

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The Bible tells us that the Messiah would come from Jesse's family. He was the father of King David. And Jesus was from the family of David and is called the Son of David.

Day 12 - David

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Anointed King of Israel, David united the tribes of God's people. God promised to him that the Messiah would be a descendant of his and rule over all with mercy and love.

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Day 13 - Solomon

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Solomon is honored in the Bible as the wisest king. He used the gift of his wisdom to rule Israel with kindness and justice. He also built a magnificent Temple for the Lord that was the centerpiece of life in Jerusalem.

Day 14 - St. Joseph

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St. Joseph was a descendant of King David. God called him to be the husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the head of the Holy Family in order to provide for, care for, and protect Jesus and Mary.

Day 15 - The Blessed Virgin Mary

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God called the Blessed Virgin Mary to be the Mother of God. And on Christmas, she gave birth to our Lord Jesus. May we have the same joy that must have filled her heart.

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Day 16 - St. John the Baptist

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St. John the Baptist prepared the way of the Lord. He called the people of Israel to turn their hearts to God in order for them to receive the Lamb of God -- Jesus.

Day 17 - O Wisdom (O Sapientia)

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Jesus is all-wise. He has the fullness of the Wisdom of God because He is fully God. He shares His Wisdom with us through the Church, the sacraments, the Bible, and the Holy Spirit.

Day 18 - O Lord (O Adonai)

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God appeared to Moses in the burning bush and gave the Ten Commandments through Moses. Jesus is the eternal rule of Israel Who perfectly obeys all the commandments through His perfect love.

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Day 19 - O Root of Jesse (O Radix Jesse)

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Jesse was the father of King David. God promised King David that one of his descendants would be the Messiah. Jesus is a descendant of King David and is called the Son of David.

Day 20 - O Key of David (O Clavis David)

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What Jesus opens, no one can close. Jesus is a king as a descedant of David as the King of Kings. He opens Heaven to us through His love for us.

Day 21 - O Radiant Dawn (O Oriens)

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Jesus comes as the light into the world. Like the sun, Jesus brings light and warmth to us in order that we might see the path to follow Him and know the Way.

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Day 22 - O King of the Gentiles (O Rex Gentium)

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Jesus came for all people. He was born of the House of Israel, but He is the King of everyone. As King, He rules with love which we celebrate at His birth.

Day 23 - O Emmanuel (O Emmanuel)

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Jesus came to be with us and dwell among us. God, in the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, became one of us in order that we might always be with Him.

Day 24 - Light of the World

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Through the prophets and many holy men and women, God had sent many lights into the world. Then, through Jesus, He gave us the Light of the World in order that we might follow Him on the path of life.

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