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Wisdom of St. Gregory the Great

· September,Doctor of the Church,Italian,Pope
Make your home a church in order to put the devil to flight. St.  John Chrysostom with an image of Saint John Chrysostom

He who endeavors to ascend to the highest place rises by degrees or steps, and not by leaps.

St. Gregory the Great -- Pope and Doctor of the Church (c. 540 - 604)
Feast Day: September 3rd

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Feast Day: September 3rd

Patron saint of stone masons
Patron saint of schoolchildren
Patron saint of stonecutters
Patron saint of papacy
Patron saint of singers
Patron saint against plague
Patron saint of students
Patron saint of musicians
Patron saint of masons
Patron saint of choristers
Patron saint of scholars
Patron saint of educators
Patron saint of popes
Patron saint of choir boys
Patron saint of teachers


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