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Wisdom of St. Peter Julian Eymard

· August,Priest,French
Saint Peter Julian Eymard holding Our Lord in a monstrance with the quote: If the love of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament does not win our hearts, Jesus is vanquished! Our ingratitude is greater than His Goodness our malice is more powerful than His Charity.

If the love of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament does not win our hearts, Jesus is vanquished! Our ingratitude is greater than His Goodness our malice is more powerful than His Charity.

St. Peter Julian Eymard – Priest in the Marist Fathers and Founder of the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament and the Servants of the Blessed Sacrament (1811 - 1868)
Feast Day: August 2nd

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